Is there a process for the arrival of Prospheres dirigeants in a company?
As soon as we arrive, we bring all the employees together to explain the company’s situation, the various reasons for our arrival, and our approach. After this first meeting, we launch a very detailed financial analysis, the "MRI of performance" and employee working groups to implement short-term remedial actions. We write a business plan within 2 to 4 months of starting the assignment.
Prospheres dirigeants specialises in companies experiencing difficulties, what are they going to do for my profitable company?
We are transformation specialists. Any company may be in need of transformation, even if it is profitable: structural changes in the sector, the appearance of new players or new technologies, a declining market, increased competition, gradual erosion of margins, etc.
Our approach, which works in crisis situations, leads to an improvement in the economic model of companies and works all the more so in economically healthy situations.
This co-construction approach with employees, using collective intelligence, makes it possible to build sustainable economic models supported by the teams, because they have been involved in defining them. This makes the implementation of the project faster and more efficient.
How much will it cost to involve Prospheres dirigeants?
The involvement of two people from Prospheres dirigeants does not cost more than two executive managers, and it is cheaper than a consultant.
Because we respond to all requests without condition other than being free to act, our remuneration is strictly fixed. This frees us from the pressure of success fees and allows us to focus on the sustainability of the company and its workforce.
How long does a Prospheres dirigeants mission last?
The length of our assignments varies greatly: there are no fixed rules. However, the following schedule is often followed:
- 2 to 4 months to define and write a business plan,
- 6 to 12 months to implement this business plan, accompanying the manager or running the company.
Like any managers, we can be dismissed at will, in other words, the shareholder or the manager we are assisting can terminate our mission at any time.
What makes Prospheres dirigeants different from interim managers?
Interim managers are sector-specificor technical experts (e.g. financial management, industrial management, etc.). Furthermore, they do not work in teams.
We are leaders who specialise in transformation, which is a specific skill. We often assume the role of corporate officer of the company. Our purpose is to ensure the sustainability of the company and the consolidation of its performance over time.
Sometimes we use interim managers to fill vacancies in the companies we manage.
Does the Prospheres dirigeants leader to be appointed know the sector of my business?
Prospheres dirigeants has assisted over 200 companies, so we collectively have experience in all sectors.
However, our experience has shown us that knowledge of the sector is not a key to success. Our predecessors often performed in a sector they knew very well, perhaps even too well. But when the business ecosystem changed, they lost their bearings and couldn't find the keys to making the business work.
In fact, we rely on the employees who know their sector very well. By implementing a management system based on subsidiarity, we make the most of their knowledge and ensure the continuity of the company by avoiding the pitfall of the “one-man show”.
Why does Prospheres dirigeants involve several people at the start of a mission?
We actually work most often with 2 people from Prospheres dirigeants in order to:
- increase our scope for action, as we often have to deal at the same time with day-to-day issues, the construction of a business plan and the implementation of a new management model based on subsidiarity and employee responsibility,
- manage emergencies effectively, when necessary, without neglecting the rest of the leader's duties,
- continuously foster interaction with employees,
- keep the perspective necessary for proper business management.
Will the designated Prospheres dirigeants leader(s) in my company be alone or supported by the Prospheres dirigeants team?
The strength of Prospheres dirigeants is its collective. Each Prospheres dirigeants leader is supervised and each team is supported by the collective. In addition, Prospheres dirigeants takes full responsibility for the mission. If, for internal reasons within the client company, the Prospheres dirigeants team needs to be supplemented, then we will make the necessary changes.
If Prospheres dirigeants intervenes, what will the company's ecosystem (customers, suppliers, partners, etc.) think?
During our involvement, the company's ecosystem realises that a new situation is emerging. For a concerned customer, supplier or partner, there is nothing more reassuring than to see a new dynamic taking shape. And if this customer, supplier or partner was not aware of the ongoing changes within the company, then he will be happy to be informed of the new situation by the company. This contributes to the success of the company.
How will Prospheres dirigeants report to us?
Naturally, we meet the reporting requirements of our client.
In addition, we report formally through an activity report, the frequency of which is determined with our client according to needs and priorities.
How does Prospheres dirigeants handle their succession?
From the beginning of our mission, we are thinking about our succession. Like all good doctors and leaders, our aim is to make ourselves unnecessary. Furthermore, we may be dismissed at will and we specify this in our contracts.
The end of our mission is planned in collaboration with the person who appointed us.
If the company needs to find a successor for us, we very often participate in the choice of a successor; experience shows that this ensures the success of the company's future. Ideally, the successor should be found internally.
What led you to become a Prospheres dirigeants leader?
It is a unique profession, a vocation, where each member of the Prospheres dirigeants team has found the link between an approach that puts Human beings first and, at the same time, pursues a demanding objective of performance that is essential to any company.
Does Prospheres dirigeants choose its missions?
No, we do not choose our missions. We see ourselves as a doctor who treats all patients and answers all calls. Our expertise is managerial and not sector-specific, so we work with companies of all sizes and in all sectors.